Ever morningaI get up at  7 oclock ,I wash my hands and face and brush my teeth, I dress then I have  breakfast sandwich and drink kopot, and go to school. We have five lessons at school,I have lunch sandwich and friuit  in the school,I come home at 5 oclock  I do my lesons I have a rest. I play games with my sister .At 7 oclock I have dinner with my family we eat soup and drink juice In the evening I watch TV  brush my teeth wash hands and face. I go to bed at  10 o`clock.

my day

Թողնել պատասխան

Ձեր էլ-փոստի հասցեն չի հրատարակվելու։ Պարտադիր դաշտերը նշված են *-ով